AMD Installs First BRS Parachute In Zodiac 601XL

Mon, 05 Feb '07

AMD has completed their first BRS (Ballistic Recovery Systems) parachute installation in a Zodiac 601XL - SLSA. The aircraft was certified on January 30th 2007 at the production facilities in Eastman, Georgia 


"Flying the Zodiac is super fun. Its excellent maneuverability and visibility are great features. Pilots and passengers are always looking at increasing safety features, and the BRS parachute provides that added security," stated John Degonia, AMD’s sales manager.

The Zodiac 601XL production Light-Sport Aircraft is based on the Zodiac CH 601 series design by aeronautical engineer Chris Heintz.  The all-metal Zodiac has been popular with kit aircraft enthusiasts since 1984 (with more that 1,000 Zodiac aircraft flying worldwide), and since 2005 as an S-LSA (factory produced Light-Sport Aircraft) manufactured in Eastman, Georgia by AMD.

With the addition of the BRS parachute option, AMD claims that the Zodiac 601XL boasts more available safety features than any other Light Sport Aircraft available on the market today, including: AMSAFE SRS airbag seatbelts, lightning protection (available on the IFR certified Zodiac XLi model), Tetra foam seat cushions (absorbs “g” loads on a hard landing), super tough nose and main gear system, classic all-metal construction, FAR33 certified aircraft engine (Continental 0-200), Sensenich propeller and more.